Nurin Natasha Khairina Binti Haji Hassan
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

JCHS gave us students plenty of presentation assignments. I find this a great thing because it helped me to be more confident in my speaking abilities. Gone were the days I had to stick to scripts and merely look at the slides. My public speaking skills have strengthened as well as my interpersonal skills with my peers and mentors. 

1. Tell us your full name and what program you are currently taking. 

My name is Nurin Natasha Khairina and I’m currently taking Bachelor of Science in Nursing. As of answering this question, I am in my first year. 

2. How is it like studying at JCHS? 

The college really has been committed to fostering growth and personal development in their students, and that is an aspect I appreciate. Despite being a relatively new college, there is often a strong sense of community between everyone. The classrooms are engaging and there are plenty of activities to explore outside of academics. 

3. What’s your favorite spot on campus and why? 

My favorite spot on campus is the canteen. The food is always good, and the company I have is greater. It’s a nice place for me to take a break from studying and gather with my friends, and talk about our day whether mainstream or not. 

4. Although quite recently, what are the things you like about JCHS? 

I adore how friendly everyone is, especially since we all come from different backgrounds and different cultures. This diversity enriches our interactions and learning experiences, fostering an environment where we can share our unique perspectives and learn from one another. All in all, I felt welcomed because of how easy it was to form meaningful relationships/ 

5. Can you share a memorable or funny moment you’ve had at JCHS? 

We had an event called ‘Banchetto’, which translates to ‘banquet’. The BSN students were tasked with providing a healthy and nutritional feast for the staff and foundation students, which served as health education regarding the importance of making balanced meals for individuals. Each group worked hard to produce their snacks, and everyone enjoyed tasting each other’s food on the day of the event. I remember feeling tired and weary, but seeing our clients enjoy our food greatly lifted my spirits and it was worth it in the end. 

6. How do you balance your studies with social activities or hobbies? 

I try my best to finish my revision during the school hours. Once I arrive home, I use what free time I have to spend with my family and on my hobbies. In a nutshell, I treat my studies as if there were a day job and choose to only do my revision within the school vicinity and within school hours. 

7. Who has been your biggest inspiration or mentor at JCHS? 

The sight of my hardworking classmates pushes me to become a more diligent student. They inspire me to push further and pursue my goals whether big or small. In addition, my strong-willed lecturers motivate me to strive for excellence and push beyond my perceived limits, encouraging me to reach my potential. 

8. What do you do to relax and unwind after a long day of classes? 

If I have the chance, I would spend time with my friends or family outside of campus by going to a café or restaurant to have a casual outing. Otherwise, I would spend time at home and watch shows, or start on a new crochet project to ease my mind. If anything else, a good nap is always the best solution. 

9. How has JCHS helped you grow personally and professionally? 

JCHS gave us students plenty of presentation assignments. I find this a great thing because it helped me to be more confident in my speaking abilities. Gone were the days I had to stick to scripts and merely look at the slides. My public speaking skills have strengthened as well as my interpersonal skills with my peers and mentors. 

10. What do you hope to achieve at JCHS, and what are your goals and dreams? 

I hope to achieve the mission and vision of JCHS, which is to emerge as a proficient healthcare provider to ensure the comfort of individuals by providing compassionate care. My goals are to make significant contributions to the field of healthcare and positively impact society’s well-being. 

11. Can you give tips and advice on how you maintain good grades in your studies? 

The key to maintaining good grades involves effective time management, clear goal-setting, and active engagement in class. Organize your study time, take thorough notes and study with flashcards, and seek help when you don’t understand anything. I advise you to regularly review material to reinforce learning and stay motivated throughout your studies. 

12. Would you recommend your family and friends to enroll in JCHS? 

Yes, I would recommend the college to my family and friends. But I would have to be honest, as the work ethic adopted by the college is different than the work ethic that is the norm in a normal school. This college requires you to be resolute and determined. You must be able to work under pressure and provide your work with the highest quality. 

13. Do you have anything you wish to say to the next Future Healthcare Leaders? 

Healthcare is a field both challenging and incredibly rewarding. Embrace the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives through your dedication to healthcare. Remember, compassion, innovation, and collaboration are essential pillars in transforming the future of healthcare. Stay curious, keep learning, and never underestimate the impact you can have on individuals and communities. 


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Everything that I learned at Kempbelle University really helped put me above the competition in the field of business management.

Alyssa Watson
BA Business Management

1.Tell us your full name and what program you are currently taking.

– My name is Nurul Adibah Othman, and I am currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at JCHS.

  1. How is it like studying at JCHS?

– Studying at JCHS has been amazing. I’ve learned a lot, and the lecturers are very supportive. Both lectures and laboratory classes are handled by dedicated lecturers who are experts and passionate.

  1. What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?

– My favourite spot on the campus is the cafeteria because there’s foods. I am such a foodie. However, it is not exactly just a place for me to grab my meals, but it is also where we catch up with each other especially with friends from other classes.

  1. Although quite recently, what are the things you like about JCHS?

– Recently, I’m quite thankful to the school for inviting some of the guest speakers, some nurses, to give speeches at our school during the nurse’s day. Their speeches inspired me to strive for the best, not to give up and believe in myself that there’s nothing impossible.

  1. Can you share a memorable or funny moment you’ve had at JCHS?

– There’s a lot of memories I’ve made for the past almost 2 years in JCHS. One thing I would always remember and be grateful of was when I was told that I am one of the selected students for the Gleneagles Scholarship applicants and I got the opportunity to be interviewed. Almost missed the chances because I didn’t check my email during our break, but alhamdulillah, I didn’t miss the opportunity given and I was chosen as the scholarship recipient along with one of my classmates.

  1. How do you balance your studies with social activities or hobbies?

– Balancing studies with all the social activities or hobbies is very important to maintain our sanity. I always make sure to prioritize my task, make schedule, and make free time to interact with others and to do any of my hobbies.

  1. Who has been your biggest inspiration or mentor at JCHS?

– My biggest inspiration at JCHS has been Sir Nemencio Santoz. He often shares his story and journey in nursing, demonstrating his dedication both as a family man and a professional. He never forgets his responsibilities as a teacher and nurse, always guiding and supporting us. Personally, I admire his love for his family and career, and his teaching has greatly helped me in my academics.

  1. What do you do to relax and unwind after a long day of classes?

– I enjoy reading books and spending time with my family and friends. Occasionally, I would play games on my gadget or play any board games with my family as well as watching any dramas or movies.

  1. How has JCHS helped you grow personally and professionally?

– JCHS has provided me with many opportunities to develop, especially during our clinical sessions. These experiences have equipped me with valuable skills and insights for which I am very thankful. I used to be a timid person, especially around strangers, but after our clinical sessions, my mentors Miss Julie and Ma’am Frida helped me greatly improve my personal skills, such as my communication with patients.

  1. What do you hope to achieve at JCHS, and what are your goals and dreams?

– At JCHS, I aim to excel academically and gain substantial practical experience to prepare me for my future career. My goals are to provide efficient patient care and to make positive changes in our healthcare system. I also dream of becoming a clinical nursing specialist in the near future and hope to achieve that.

  1. Can you give tips and advice on how you maintain good grades in your studies?

– Every student has their own style of learning. For me, I sometimes maintain good grades by reading and cramming the notes given, though this is not an ideal method. Additionally, I use the Pomodoro technique, where I set a timer to review or complete a task for 30 minutes, take a 5-minute break, and then repeat the cycle until I finish studying. This method helps me maintain focus since I easily lose concentration. It allows me to review effectively while also relaxing my brain and preventing feelings of overwhelm.

  1. Would you recommend your family and friends to enroll in JCHS?

– I would absolutely recommend JCHS to my family and friends. The supportive environment here makes it a great choice for anyone wanting to pursue nursing. Although there are still some areas that need improvement since the college is new and we are the first intake, there is plenty of room for growth.

  1. Do you have anything you wish to say to the next Future Healthcare Leaders?

– To the next Future Healthcare Leaders, I hope you seize every opportunity that comes your way because these chances won’t come twice. Grab them or regret it. As future nurses, we should always keep learning because this journey is a lifelong one.